Gingerly Speaking, Technology & Blackboard Tools in the EFL Classroom

Dr. Afeefa Banu

Abstract— Communication skill is an important and sometimes decisive factor in job interviews. However, in the context of Saudi Arabia, this skill is not accorded the importance it deserves; as a result, the majority of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) major students are not fluent in speaking English. The reluctance of students to speak is a problem faced by teachers in most EFL contexts. This paper reports the issues related to the English speaking skill of low-proficiency Saudi students in Level 2 at King Khalid University‟s Parallel Undergraduate Program for Girls, and the efforts to solve them. The paper focuses on the use of the following technologies to enhance students‟ communicative confidence and speaking fluency: iPad or smart phone; the free software game „Talking Ginger‟; free downloadable recording software for making MP3 files; and Blackboard tools. The paper also concentrates on helpful strategies used in the evaluation of speaking skill.
Keywords—English Speaking Skill, EFL Classroom, Evaluation of Speaking, Technology for Speaking
