An Investigation of Online Instructional Strategies Used by EFL Teachers at King Khalid University

Dr. Ismail Khalil Alrefaai
Abstract—This study investigates EFL online teaching strategies at King Khalid University, specifically how they relate to instructors’ levels of experience, computer literacy, and chosen e-learning modes. The sample examines thirty (30) EFL teachers who taught in the Faculty of Languages and Translation’s English Department in the second semester 2013/2014. The participants completed a 28-item questionnaire. The results indicate that the most frequently used online strategies were course-content presentation, student-teacher email interaction, announcement publication, and allocation of online activities as portions of total grades. On the other hand, virtual holding of classes and office hours, online-exam conduction, and online discussion groups are among the least used strategies. Also, a significant, positive correlation appears between teaching experience and online publishing of courses’ learning objectives. Moreover, there is a significant, positive correlation between instructors’ computer literacy and amounts of contact made with students who are not regularly contributing to online discussions.
Keywords—Online instructional strategies, teaching English online, EFL teaching.
